What I Wore: Another Week, Another Suit

By Wardrobeoxygen

Another week, another suit! I told you I am on a suit kick, but they're so great for my wardrobe. I wear the pants alone with sweaters, the blazers with jeans, and the suits work for all the social events on my calendar! This one is from 1901 and is a great price and a fabric that works now and through the summer.

blazer | pants | turtleneck | bag | boots | earrings | lipstick Blazer: 1901 (14P) | Pants: 1901 (14P) | Turtleneck: Foundation Turtleneck c/o Universal Standard (XS) | Boots: ASOS (old; similar) | Earrings: Jenny Bird | Bag: ALLSAINTS | Lipstick: L'Oreal in True Red

So after sharing my pink plaid suit last week, this suit arrived. Same brand. Completely different fabric, cut, and style. I *could* keep both and could easily justify keeping both to myself. But I kept thinking about the pink plaid one and it's right for the old life I had, not the current one. It was a suit that would mix and match great for the office but easily glam up for an evening event. But I couldn't truly see myself wearing it more than a handful of times. This suit was ordered at the same time but came several days later. It's not a dressy fabric, it's cotton twill. It's double-breasted and if you're strict about style rules this is a major no-no for my short, curvy, large-busted self. But this suit? This is a suit that I will wear a lot, likely will be neck and neck with my pink suit for how often it's just the right thing. So I returned the pink plaid suit (I never wore it beyond the photo shoot). I'm not one to wear clothes and return them, but this spent the majority of its time in my home hanging in the closet with the tags still attached. No more shopping and keeping out of guilt. I've learned to not wear something as soon as I get it. Let it marinate in the closet, try it with a few things, put it on with makeup and shoes before I put it on and leave the house. The excitement of newness can cloud your vision.

This suit reminds me of the red suit in the video I shared in this Weekend Reads, a suit that haunts my dreams and makes me want to purchase a pair of matching sunglasses. But I won't because if I can't justify a plaid suit I sure as heck can't justify red sunglasses. And still going with the sexy yet covered up theme of this winter, I styled the suit with black ankle booties and a black turtleneck. This turtleneck you've seen before in this post and I wear it quite often; it's perfect for such a situation because the fabric has a slight shine to it, it's super lightweight, yet completely opaque.

And the jacket I've already worn with jeans and a Breton tee and a pair of sneakers. And as my red pants are now too big, these are a great replacement! I'm all about ignoring style rules these days and buying what makes me happy. And while a single-breasted blazer (they do have one in the same fabric) would elongate the body and minimize my bust... I just like the badassery that a double-breasted jacket provides!

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