What I've Been Doing & Interesting Finds on the Web.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
I know exactly what you are thinking.  Where has she been? She's back "again"...she'll disappear again.  Nope, I've made a conscious decision to stay put and blog up a storm for the month of May!  Be ready.
An update on what's going on in my neck of the woods.
Well, the Valley of the Sun has finally reached 100 degrees.  Woohoo!  Now, I just can't wait until the pool is actually warm enough to go in.  It's a tad bit nippy still, at about 60-65 degrees.  It will be bath water temperature in a few weeks.  No joke!
I've been reading a ton and have been branching out.  No more romance, mystery.  Well, it's still there in the background but, not the forefront of my reading "stack" for now.  Yes, I am reading Fifty Shades of Grey for the second or third time (can't remember) and I just started Book II.  My reading topics are more for the educational benefit and submersing myself in the freelance world of writing and bookkeeping (extra money for now).  Yes, I'm reading for more than just "pure" enjoyment.  I'll switch it up though for summertime reading poolside.  I've been reading books on business and freelancing.  Stay tuned for a post on these books.
Last week I read an article on Levo League that states I should be saving 25-50% of my salary... I'm like what?!  You've got to be kidding me.  I totally agree with 25% but, more...?!  You see, I'm in the process of paying off all of my credit card debt.  I'll be debt-free by March 2014 - if I have it my way it will be much sooner!  Yay Heather!
I'm still struggling with the marketing plan for Blondie's Shop and whether or not I need a virtual assistant for some tasks that need to be done regularly.  I'm still pondering it for now.  Who would have thought that having an online shop to sell my note cards, baby shower invites and announcements, wedding thank you cards would need an assistant?! 
I'm jonesing for a weekend getaway.  Airfare right now isn't the best.  Even months out and airfare is still very high.  I've got some trips in the works - so be on the lookout for research posts on: Key West, Disneyland (California) and New Orleans.  I've got schedule fall trips already - more to come on those. 
I saw Bon Jovi in concert last week!  What a show!  Jon can definitely sing.  It is rather unpleasant when you go see an individual, band or group in concert and they are just horrible live.  Seeing a favorite musician live is the best ever!!!!  I'm going to see Bruno Mars in July!  Ellie Goulding is opening so that should be fun.
What to get my Mom for Mother's Day...?  Haven't a clue at this point.  Currently, the plan is to take her out to lunch and spend some quality time with her.  You can find some gift ideas here and a few DIY here (over at TAGG).
I have daily writing goals.  I'm being realistic.  Speaking of which is there any topics you'd like to see more on ...this & that...?  I've get a few new series in the works and a few old ones that will be re-visited.  And a few other new series by guest authors.  Be on the lookout as May is going to be a spectacular month for ...this & that...
Have a wonderful Tuesday and do tell what's been going on in YOUR neck of the woods.