What I See (Featured Fifty Poetry)

By Shavawn Berry @ShavawnB

Celebrating Perfect Imperfection

This morning one of my poems is featured on The Huffington Post.  It was accepted many, many months ago, so I am happy to finally see it in print. It is called, What I See, and it is, basically, a love letter to my aging body. My body has carried me through sh*t storms and surgeries, breakups and loss, as well as through the bitter-sweetness that accompanies all life. It is a topic that is often on my mind now. In fact, I recently wrote about this very thing in a blog post called, The House of My Spirit.  As I age, contemplating what that means becomes more and more important.

So, today, I share a poem here (instead of prose). I know it is not the usual, but I am celebrating! Enjoy.

© 2014  Shavawn M. Berry All rights reserved

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