What I'm Reading: Private Games.

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
Lately, I read a book a week.  That's right - a book a week!  I read fast and a lot.  So, going through 400+ pages is no biggie to me.  And yes, I do read for pleasure.  I love to escape.  An author that can take me and transport to another world like it is real - is definitely appealing to me in a major way. 
When do I read?  Usually, before I go to bed or my lunch hour.  And when time permits, I read in the morning before I get ready for week.  Oh, and let's not forgot a lazy Sunday afternoon. 
I've got a few books started.  Yes...I do this.  But, typically, I will start a few and not be quite into one put it down and pick up another.  Don't get me wrong, I do go back and finish the other book.  It's funny, I know.  But, the nature of the beast when it comes to my "reading" tempo and interest level.
  Currently, I have been reading the Private series by James Patterson.  Let me note that Mr. Patterson has other writer's help with this particular series.  More specifically, I am reading Private Games.  It's not my typical read but, I am quite smitten with James as a writer.  It's murder, mystery, suspense, romance, and yes a bit of sex (ever so slight amount) all rolled into one. 
Now, I have read several James Patterson books prior to starting the Private series.  The first being Kiss the Girls, second, Along Came A Spider and then came the Private series.   Let me just say that I read before I saw the movie and they left a lot of the torture "out" of the movie for obvious reasons that is.  If you've read the book and seen the movie you know exactly what I am talking about.  Ohhh, wait I forgot about Sundays at Tiffany's - another fabulous read!  I have yet to read any of his children's books.
From the James Patterson website "When the police can't help you and the press will destroy you, when you need maximum force and maximum discretion, there's only one place to go—Private, the detective agency that will get the job done, even if they have to break a few rules to do it."

Here's the background profiles on all the key players of the Private series.  Jack Morgan is definitely a guy I'd like to meet and work for to say the least.  If I ever get into a problem - he is exactly who I would call. 
Another little snippet from the James Patterson on Private Games.  A definite must read.  However, I would definitely recommend reading the series in order but, not necessary.  Well, maybe... 
The premise of Private Games:  "Private, the world's most renowned investigation firm, has been commissioned to provide security for the 2012 Olympic games in London. Its agents are the smartest, fastest, and most technologically advanced in the world, and 400 of them have been transferred to London to protect over 10,000 competitors who represent more than 200 countries.

The opening ceremony is still hours away when Private investigator and single father of twins, Nigel Steele, is called to the scene of a ruthless murder. A high-ranking member of the games' organizing committee and his mistress have been killed. It's clear that it wasn't a crime of passion, but one of precise calculation and execution.

Newspaper reporter Karen Pope receives a letter from a person who calls himself Cronus claiming responsibility for the murders. He also proclaims that he will restore the Olympics to their ancient glory and will destroy all who have corrupted the games with lies, cheating, and greed. Karen immediately hires Private to examine the letter, and she and Nigel uncover a criminal genius who won't stop until he's ended the games for good. "America's #1 storyteller" (Forbes) delivers an exhilarating, action-packed thriller that brings the splendor and emotion of the Olympics to a wildly powerful climax."
...Private Berlin is up next after I finish Private Games.  I can't wait!  Oh, let me point out one more thing I have the paperbacks - for some reason I just love holding the book in my hand and turning each and every page.
Have you read any of the Private Series?  By the way, James has a handy dandy little checklist for all of his series here.   Definitely check it out if you need to see what you are missing!  Pretty cool idea, if I don't say so myself!  Happy reading!

{all images and excerpts from the official James Patterson website}