What I’m Reading Now

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

Summer reading, you’ve been treating me well this year.

I’ve loved almost every book that I’ve read lately, and I tend to be a bit of a harsh critic- B compares my book and movie ratings to the Michelin star system!  Here are a few I’ve loved.  I’m linking each book to the publisher’s website, but as always, I strongly suggest not reading too much about them because there are always so many spoilers!

The Yonahlossee Riding Camp For Girls

We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves

The Silver Star

And here’s what’s next in line!  (I also have a short stack of non-fiction to read, but, if I’m brutally honest, I put those in the “educational rather than “pleasure” categories.)

Odds Against Tomorrow

My American Unhappiness


Orphan Train (click to read a few pages)

I’ve been meaning to make some kind of comprehensive list that’s easy to find… would that be helpful?

During a break from studying at the library, I took myself on a date for lunch at The Queens Kickshaw.  I’ve written about Kickshaw countless times… mostly in reference to their amazing grilled cheese!  Today, I decided to be bold and order something that’s always caught my eye but has been difficult to keep my focus- because, hello?  GRILLED CHEESE!

So anyway, this salad (the Kitchen Sink) was one of the best I’ve had at a restaurant in a long time.  It was a good sized bowl of mixed baby greens, so many different kinds of pickled fruit + veggies (pears, blueberries, jicama, raisins, EGG, asparagus…), toasted spiced pepitas, and feta cheese. I’d actually requested blue cheese instead of feta to mix things up (we eat so much feta in our house it’s a little silly) but I still loved it.  Part of what made it so good was the variety of pickled things, both sweet and salty.  I’ve been on a huge pickle kick lately, and this was a very inspiring meal for future culinary creations!

How do you feel about eating alone?  I don’t do it often, but it’s nice every once in awhile.  I like the relaxing feeling of being with my own thoughts in a really relaxed setting.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE eating with others, too… but taking myself out is a nice way to tell myself I think I’m special.

What are you reading now?

P.S. Gap is having a great sale!  I bought this shirt in 3 different colors and love the style.  It’s loose and lightweight, but has a great drape-y shape that’s great with skinny jeans, maxi skirts and shorts.

P.P.S. Thank you for all of your Greece suggestions!  Keep ‘em coming!  Right now the trip almost seems unreal… I can’t remember the last time I took a two-week vacation that was not part of study-abroad or a family trip.  (Does this mean I’m a grown-up?)