What I’m Not Doing This Weekend.

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

Notice the coffee cup? That’s the theme for the weekend here at Midlife Margaritas. Coffee, Church, Peace & Quiet. *Laughing because you know there is no such thing as a weekend of peace and quiet. Honestly it’s best to just list the things I’m not doing this weekend. Here goes:

Not doing laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, watching the news, staying sober, speaking to people who annoy me, giving money to my kids, going to Target, looking at my calendar, grocery shopping, answering the phone, eating salads, wearing a bra (TMI?), being productive, paying bills, setting the alarm or breaking a sweat at anytime.

There. That’s the list of what I am not doing this weekend. So what are you not doing? #weekendsareforwine