What I Love Wednesday: Saatchi and Abstract Art

By Southshoredecoratingblog
This is along post, and my second one today. It's long because I have SO much to show you and I'm excited about this website.... Do you know about the on-line art source calledSaatchi Art It's truly amazing. There are artists from all over the world represented, and most of it is original art. Everything I'm showing you here is original art, mostly oil paintings, and all abstracts because those are my favorites for how I decorate. But all media are represented at Saatchi, including photography, drawing, sculpture, and installation art.I really don't think I'll ever go anywhere else online for art.... I love this site!  I chose to feature 10 artists whose work I love, but there are so many I love that I could probably feature hundreds if I had time.  1. Dick Rijnaard:

2. Vanessa Navarrete:

3. Drew Gaffney:

4. Georgina Vinsun:

5. Claire Desjardins:

6. Christian Hetzel:

7. Elizabeth Nagle:

8. Vladimir Kryloff:

9. Parker Severns:

10.  Deidre Schanen: