What I Learned While NOT Writing

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

As I race toward a self imposed deadline, I’ll be posting some “Oldies but Goodies” on Mondays, unless inspiration hits! Be sure to read until the end for my thoughts today!

Jan 2007

Ten months ago I placed my writing on the altar, realizing that publication had consumed my life and my writing had become an idol. Giving up writing was one of the most painful things I’ve had to do, but I embarked on this not writing journey, without knowing the path God would lead me down.

It’s only been about two months since I dusted off my WIP, but looking back on it now it was the best thing for me and my writing.

No longer am I obsessed to work on my WIPs. I used to spend most of my evening and well into the night, plus many weekends writing. But the draw to write, the addiction so to speak has been lifted. I still love my writing time, but it’s been put in it’s place, mostly on the weekends. Now when I do get to write, I am truly thankful for the time. It’s a feeling of “Yeah, I get to write” Instead of “I.have.to.write.” withdrawal feeling.

Leaving my critique group had its benefits as well, though at the time it was heart wrentching. It was so hard for me to keep up with critiquing and writing. During the week critiquing had taken the place of my family responsibilities like putting the kids to bed. When I gave up writing, I had to give up critiquing as well and that freed me up to be with family.

I also realized that not having critique partners for these many months has really helped my writing. Many of my numerous, well meaning partners often edited out my voice and in my own desperation to learn, and be published, I listened to everyone’s advice, changing everything they suggested until I didn’t recognize my own writing. I’m happy to say I’m finding my voice again, and I like the way I sound.

Not writing has given me a peace about publication. My anxiety to publish is gone. No more worries about everything being perfect. I now have a peace about God’s timing in my writing career, and I look forward to the times I get to write, instead of obsessing over having to write all the time! The true test of this came when a writing friend of mine recently received a contract. I waited for the green-eyed monster to rear its ugly head, but it didn’t. I was genuinely happy!

Even though I gave up writing, I’ve probably written just as many words as I did while working on my WIPs. Not writing opened the door for a new obsession. Blogging. After many months of pounding the keys and posting, trying to keep up with the Jones’ of bloggville, I’ve gotten back to the heart of blogging. Writer…Interrupted was started out of my own need to connect with other writing moms who don’t have the time to write. It has grown into something bigger than myself. It’s exciting to see where God will take all this, and to know I am not equipped to do it on my own.

Not writing has made me a better mom and homeschooler. I no longer look at my kids as interruptions to my writing life, but blessings that should be enjoyed to the fullest, now! I used to push my children away when I wrote, annoyed that they interrupted me. Now I push the key board away (after I’ve finished a thought, of course) and invite my four-year-old up on my lap to watch me type.

So I guess giving up writing helped me become a better writer, mother, and follower of Christ. I still have my challenges, and always will, but whether or not I ever get published, one thing I do know is that writing is something I will always do. Yet, if it ever becomes an obsession again, I know what I’ll have to do!

Oct 2013

All of the above still applies. I’m still writing and trying to find a balance. This season of writing has often been neglected as I do other much needed thing. But I am at peace in my writing. Even though I wish to be more consistent and disciplined and FASTER… But I am at peace and right now that is the most important thing!