What I Got For Mother’s Day & A Question For You

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Mother’s Day started with eggs benedict and chocolate chip pancakes and ended with steak, chardonnay and the season finale of Survivor, so basically all of my senses were satisfied.

I did realize, however, that even when it is Mother’s Day, it’s not entirely Mother's Day because kids have constant needs and preferences that they want you to know about. That is my nice way of saying that when I wanted the family to do a 3.75 mile hike with Heidi and it was hot and everyone was tired and had headaches, I finally had to say, “Guess what? This is not children’s day. This is my day. So suck it up.” Touchy/feely motherhood moment.  At least Heidi had fun.

I don’t need gifts or fancy things, but what I always love are the home made cards from my kids. They range from the obscene (“Thanks mom for pushing me out of you a few years ago”) to touching poems (this is part of one from last year):

You’re the coolest mom in town
But when you fart I sure do frown.

Yesterday Sam got a bit crazy and drew me a picture.

I always think it’s interesting to see how your kids view you. Obviously I have a very round face, eyes that are extremely close together and uneven and a middle hair part. And, I am very impressed with his attention to detail with regards to my breasts. Perky.

This picture captures so many things I love. My new car (Ford Edge. Yes, I traded in the Maxima – just not a family car), my coffee, my new HEIDI (and she really does smile like that. I’ll show you a picture sometime), my SUAR sticker and my Colfax sticker (I am running the Denver Colfax Marathon on Sunday). The only things missing are Ken and the kids, but maybe they are laying on the floor or in the trunk because Heidi gets prime seating. Oh, and wine is missing also that but would be really BAD if I DWWD (Drank Wine While Driving).

Overall a wonderful day. The kind where you look around and you realize that nothing really needs to be different for everything to be just right.

By the way, it is 86 degrees here today. I got out for a nice, long bike ride. Made me very happy:

Now, here’s what I want to ask you. I am six days out from my marathon. I had a bad cold all of last week which definitely affected my stamina. I have been tapering, so not running as much, but generally feeling pretty low energy. Maybe it’s just the taper crazies, or maybe I’m just feeling the cumulative affects of marathon training. Then I wondered if my iron might be low. I’ve been anemic before, and seem to always teeter right on the edge. Probably need a blood test.

I read a great article by Pete Pfitzinger today on why Iron is important for runners. Here’s an excerpt:

He also talks about how you might feel when you are low on iron (lethargic, heavy legs, overall crappy) and tells you what to do about it.

I’ve been focusing on eating iron rich foods like spinach and lentils (and steak last night!), but I am wondering if I should add  an iron supplement. Honestly, the only reason I’m hesitant is that I know it could clog the pipes (that’s my clinical term for constipation- or as the Germans call it, Farfrompoopin) and that is seriously the last thing I need on race day. Suggestions?

Ever had low iron? Do you take an iron supplement?

How did you spend your Mother's Day? Did everyone behave?