What I Got for Christmas 2014

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


Lets admit it, we’re all super nosy and love to see what people got for Christmas, so here I am sharing a few of the things I got. I’m writing this on boxing day morning, so I’ve not had too long to play with everything but we have family around this afternoon. On Saturday I’m going to Scotland for the weekend, so although this is going up on Monday, I won’t have any other time to sit down and write this for you.


Breville Blend:Active – I am already in love with this, I used it this morning to make a smoothie for breakfast and it was so quick and easy! I’d been wanting one of these for summer, and haven’t stopped talking about it to my mum, I was there when she bought it as it was on offer in Morrisons for £19 a couple of months back. My plan is to use this to make smoothies for breakfast every morning before work.

Babyliss Vintage Glamour Wave Maker – These were a surprise present, I’d mentioned to my mom that I wanted a curling wand so that I could make loose waves in my hair rather than the curls I can make with my straighteners. When I saw that the wand was oval rather than round I instantly thought they’d be useless however I used them Christmas day morning and I am impressed with them. I may do a review once I’ve used them more.


Eat by Nigel Slater – You can’t look at this book and not want to eat all of the food pictured in it! I am so ready to start cooking from it, it’s full of good food that’s pretty fast to cook. I opened it on the page for Root Vegetable Patties with Spiced Tomato Sauce, and it’s going to have to be the first recipe I try.

Jon Richardson Nidiot – I love Jon Richardson and so his latest dvd was always going to be a hit. I don’t think I even mentioned that I wanted his dvd, my sister just knows me so well!

Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure – As you might have worked out Tinkerbell is my nickname which Tigger gave to me, and she bought me a Tinkerbell movie for Christmas. I can’t wait to watch it, I may pop it on this afternoon.

The Body Shop Red Musk – I fell in love with this at The Body Shop Christmas event I went to, the scent is so unlike anything else I’ve owned. It is a unisex scent but has notes of tobacco, cinnamon, and pepper.

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Eye Palette Pink Opal – Unfortunately I can’t find a link for this, however I got mine from Cohorted so you could keep an eye out in case they have it again. I couldn’t resist the colours with pinks and neutrals, plus the rose gold packaging is beautiful!

Now That’s What I Call Disney Princess -  I’m actually listening to this as I write up this post. I absolutely love Disney, so my mom couldn’t go wrong getting me this CD. I must admit that the Princess songs tend to be my favorite ones, though there are a few on here I don’t know because they are from sequels which I haven’t seen.

Lush Hot Toddy Shower Gel – Hot Toddy is no longer on the Lush website, but it smells bloody amazing! It’s another spicy scent containing cinnamon which I love. It also has a gold shimmer through it.

I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a few of the things I got for Christmas, I know I’m going to be on the look out for other blog posts showing what people got for Christmas. My sale shopping will be heavily influenced by them I imagine.

Beth x

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