We actually ended up treating ourselves for Ben's birthday yesterday and had a Domino's pizza, it was amazing, like heaven in your mouth, I had a bit of everything, and no I didn't feel guilty, and despite what some people think, you DO NOT gain weight from ONE treat meal! :)
We both enjoyed every mouthful but have returned to our normal eating now, so today's menu looks a little sparse to compensate for it :) So here is what I ate today, with descriptions underneath of what everything is :)Breakfast Big bowl of Golden Nuggets Half a banana I know there a lot of healthier options when it comes to breakfast but I can't completely eat 100% healthy all the time! Plus they're sooooo yummy!
Lunch 1/2 Warburtons Soft Brown Wrap Weight Watchers Tuna in Mayo with sweetcorn Mixed Salad Weight Watchers Mature Cheddar & Caramelised Red Onion crisps
Dinner Weight Watchers Spaghetti Bolognese Birds Eye Mixed Veg Roasted Veg
I wanted to load up on the veg today, can you tell!?
Snacks Red Apple Weight Watchers Fromage FraisI tend to cook 6 out of 7 days of the week and leave one day for a Ready Meal, we picked the healthier choices of either Weight Watchers or Quorn so we both stay within our targets, and they are surprisingly delicious too and have generous portions! I try and add lots of veg and snack on fruit throughout the day to keep my energy up! Exercise As I was making up for the domino's yesterday, I took a 20 minute walk with Abbie, had a 10 minute jog AND 15 mins of Zumba! I'll be doing a what i ate wednesday every week now so you can see what kinda things I eat! I also have a big post scheduled for next week where I talk in more detail about the diet and weight loss as well as exercise too, so keep an eye out :) x