What I Ate 'Thursday!'

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Evening all! Apologies for the lateness of this post, I completely forgot to take any photos yesterday so I thought i'd share with you my food for Thursday instead! As you may already know I have reached my weight loss target (yay!), but I have decided to stay on the plan until our holiday in 2 weeks so I can have a bit of leeway over that time and of course, Christmas!! Boy am I looking forward to all the chocolate, biscuits and dinner treats! I've even asked Ben to get me a Galaxy hamper for Christmas, I'm can't wait to let my hair down and not count calories anymore, i'm so pleased with the results but normality is waiting for me and I can't wait! :) So as of Boxing Day, my goal will be to maintain, so I will be sharing my tips and advice with you for keeping weight off and being able to eat normally again! Breakfast Big bowl of cheerio's with semi-skimmed milk Red Apple
Lunch Weight Watchers Carrot & Lentil Soup Warburtons Sandwich Thins WW Sour Cream & Black Pepper Crisps
Dinner Linda McCartney Sausages x 2 (other one was for Abbie) Roasted Veg Cous Cous Birds Eye Sunshine Veg
Snacks Babybel Banana Small pack of Jelly Beans I also treated myself to half a Lindt Lindor Melting Moment! It would've been the whole thing but Abbie stole the other part! We actually need to do a food shop so next week's will be a lot more appealing ha ha. Then we are off to Butlins so you can imagine all the naughty foods we'll be having, mmmm! Exercise I didn't actually do anything today, bad Jess! I didn't sleep too well last night so was knackered but tomorrow I will be making up for it with 40 mins of Zumba, god help me!
My weight loss post will be up on Saturday with lots of details on what i've been doing exactly, so hopefully you can get some tips and something to help you!