What Have Your Twenties Taught You? Melinda from Mumma in Heels

By Lollicious @lollicious

Melinda is extraordinary, she is a mother to two beautiful boys, studying PR and also writes the blog Mummainheels Link to Mummainheels, and co-writes Shop-me-chic Link to shopmechic
Here Melinda shares some wonderful advice, read on and be inspired by this amazing and beautiful Mumma 
From Melinda's instagram, gorgeous.. follow her @mummainheels
How have you changed in your twenties? While I am still in twenties, I have grown up and matured significantly in these past few years. I've become stronger (emotionally - not physically!) and developed a sense of direction. I know exactly what I want from life.
What lessons have you learnt? The biggest lesson I have learnt is who my real friends are. As a teen it seems like your group of friends will be with you forever but it’s amazing how fast everyone goes their separate directions! She has amazing nails, So hot right now...
What do you know now you didn't when you were a teen? I know that things which seemed like the end of the world as a teen were not that important after all. I wish I could go back and tell my 16 year old self that the world would not end because my hair got wet on school photo day or that years later it doesn’t matter if a friend was talking about me behind my back.
What achievements are you proud of? My proudest achievement would be becoming a mother to my two little boys. I had my eldest son at 19 and my youngest two days after turning 22. I am so proud of them and of myself and I owe everything I have to them.
What have you overcome, been through? I’ve had to grow up almost overnight and become a mother. I have gone from living with my parents to living with my fiancé and teaching myself to cook and keep a house. I’ve had to juggle family life with uni and still stay true to myself, making sure I still know who I am.
How do you feel you have grown and developed? I feel like I have become less selfish and more patient. I’d give my two boys (three, if you include my fiancé) the world before I would give anything to myself. As my fiancé likes to remind me sometimes, I need to remember to be kind to myself as well.
Who inspires you? Lots of people! My fiancé, for one. He is so brave and strong. He has the biggest heart I have ever known and he can do absolutely anything he puts his mind too. Career wise, Roxy Jacenko is my idol. I am studying PR at uni and I admire her work and the company she built up from such a young age. Other than that, my friends. I have some beautiful, strong, inspiring girls in my life and I don’t think they even realize how amazing they are! She is an amazing woman, thanks Melinda you beautiful and inspiring young thing xxxx