Crafting with Lego
Playing a sound game
Painting with cars
Shaving foam fun
Marble painting
on the London Eye
Making sculptures with marshmallows
Warner Bross had sent us a festive pack including The Polar Express, New Year's Eve and Dark Knight Rise.
It was great fun to watch The Polar Express on blu ray.The animation and music are all beautiful and captivating. This is the perfect film for Christmas / New Year and I highly recommend it if you haven't watched it with your kids yet.
New Year's Eve is good if you are in the mood for a light and uplifting movie.It alse features Bon Jovi,if you are a fan of him.
The Dark Knight Rises is not exactly my kind of a film but if you like Batman and this sort of films,the special effects are especially interesting.
So the kids are back to school on Monday and the next few months will be very busy for me. I will be finishing my Montessori training this year. So this mama will need to work very hard.
I will step back from blogging a little during this time and there will be less posts here.
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