What Happens #WhenWeSayYes

By Michelle Merritt @michellemerritt

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you just started say YES in your life?  A few years ago I realized, most subconsciously, I was saying no a bunch.  Even when I wasn’t verbally saying “no” my lack of self confidence, fear of failure, and insecurities caused me to walk away from opportunities that were there for the taking both personally and professionally.  What if someone finds out I didn’t finish college?  What if someone realizes I grew up in a blue collar factory town?  What if someone doesn’t like me because I’m fat?  These were the questions that kept me from being my best self.  These kept me from loving myself enough to fully experience life.

A few years ago, I decided to just say yes to loving myself…to radical self love.  It was a process that I’m way oversimplifying in this post but suffice to say I changed my life personally, professionally, & in every other way you can dream up simply by saying YES to loving myself.  I became less critical and more successful, less depressed and more adventuresome, less insecure and more certain of myself, less selfish and far more fashionable (in that self assured sort of way), less skeptical about relationships and more in love with my partner than I could have imagined.

Loving yourself and saying yes is a journey.  One that Sonya Renee Taylor has become an expert in.  I had the honor of being on the same speaker agenda with her at this year’s Body Love Conference.  She is a force to be reckoned with & the founder of The Body is Not an Apology.  To say she’s brilliant would be an understatement.  She found TBINAA to promote radical self love and body empowerment.  Through this she’s changing the world.  She’s building an online resource so that we all have the support we need to #SAYYES more often.  It will be the worlds largest education, communication, information, and community based platform focusing on radical self love as a tool for transformation and global change.

In partnership with everydayfeminism.com Sonya’s building the site for a fraction of what it actually costs.  This is where we all come in.  Join us in supporting The Body is Not an Apology by sharing the information and contributing to the indiegogo campaign.  It doesn’t matter if it’s $5 or $50,000 each contribution will make a difference in helping others find this great resource.  So please join me in supporting this great cause!