What Happened to the Girls From American Pie?

By Newguy

A Look at the Female Stars of American Pie 25 Years Later

American Pie was released 25 years ago, it became one of the most popular teen movies of all time. Despite certain flaws with a few scenes in the movie. Like how Porky’s saw plot points become horrendous to think about now, American Pie contains that moment. However, for the horny teenagers of the world, it was popular and for my generation was the backbone of sleazy teen comedies. The franchise did spawn three sequels with the main cast, along with a host of low-budget spin-offs that never hit the same heights.

While the subject matter is an open discussion, today my focus is on the female stars of the movie. I looked at the male cast before and you can check that out HERE.

I plan to explore their careers, the highs, and the lows. To see if the cast managed to become successful or faded away like many stars of the era.

What Happened to the Girls From American Pie?

Shannon Elizabeth – Nadia

Nadia is the foreign exchange student that the guys droll over. However, she takes a shine to Jim and asks him for help with her homework. It all leads to that infamous scene which would suffer far worse backlash if it was made now. Nadia rarely interacts with the other characters in the movie.

Shannon Elizabeth was already a famous model by the time American Pie was released. She followed up American Pie with other comedies where she often played the beautiful dumb object of affection. These include ‘Scary Movie’, ‘Tomcats’ and ‘Dish Dogs’. She did get to play a more sensible role in the cult classic ‘Thir13en Ghosts’. However, her character in ‘Love Actually’ is credited as Harriet the Sexy One.

A lot of Shannon’s post-American Pie career has been away from the big screen. She created the Shannon Elizabeth Foundation which is dedicated to supporting the planet and protecting animals.

Alyson Hannigan – Michelle

Michelle is the band camp geek Jim asks to prom. She is another one of the female characters that fails to have an interaction with the other 4. Michelle has some funny band scenes and even one Alyson regrets to this day.

Alyson might well have been the most famous of the student cast going into the movie. She was starring in Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the time as Willow. That role was 144 episodes and soon after that wrapped up, she joined a new show. How I Met Your Mother became a massive success with over 200 episodes running from 2005-2014. She only made a handful of movies putting more time toward her television work, where she has had one of the most successful runs of anyone in the business.

Tara Reid – Vicky

Vicky is the long-term girlfriend of Kevin, just like Kevin she is preparing to have sex for the first time. However, she wants a fairytale perfect first time that her best friend Jessica tries to help her deal with. Vicky does feel like one of the most natural characters of the era, as the same discussion continues to happen even in modern teen movies.

Tara Reid had a couple of well-known movies under her belt before American Pie, with ‘The Big Lebowski’ and the cult horror movie ‘Urban Legend’. However, she gained a reputation for being a party girl in the era of Paris Hilton’s rise to fame. She did land a few more raunchy comedies with the Ryan Reynolds movie ‘Van Wilder’ being the most famous. Unfortunately for Tara, she took a couple of bad picks when trying to jump into horror. The critically panned ‘Alone in the Dark’ and ‘The Crow The Wicked Prayer’.

Tara failed to make an impact in wide-released movies, falling into the position of being the most famous person in straight-to-DVD movies. However, joining another cult classic movie ‘Sharknado’ led to a string of success as the yearly releases kept bringing in a massive audience. She has continued to remain in the low-budget movies, with her most recent release ‘Bloodthirst’ releasing in late 2023. We can look forward to the future as according to IMDB, she has 17 upcoming projects to look forward to.

Mena Suvari – Heather

Heather is the choir singer that catches the eye of Oz. She is the opposite of him and is only interested in a guy who shows an emotional side. Heather helps change Oz making him a better person and gets to perform for the school.

Mena followed up American Pie with another American-titled movie. The multi-award winning ‘American Beauty’ where she played an opposite character to Heather. Mena teamed back up with Jason Biggs for ‘Loser’ as well as returning to a couple of other comedies.

She has had a strange career because she has appeared in nearly 100 acting roles, but none are considered that well-known. One of the more notable titles is the reimaging of ‘Day of the Dead’ which I have had a lot of fun watching over the years. In more recent years, Mena has become the star in a lot of low-budget movies including ‘Dark Obsession’ ‘The Hunt’ and ‘Locked In’.

Natasha Lyonne – Jessica

Jessica is Vicky’s best friend and sarcastic figure. She is easily the best of the female characters in the movie with her ability to tear down anyone who tries anything with her. Even if the movie hints she could end up with Finch, she isn’t interested in the same thing he wants. In the sequels, she gets to shine even more, which shows she gained a bigger following.

Natasha found it harder than the rest of the cast to make as big of an impact. Mostly because she wasn’t put in the same marketing position as the other four women. She kept to supporting roles in movies with big names including; ‘Kate & Leopold’, ‘Scare Movie 2’ and ‘Blade: Trinity’.

Once 2010 hit, she got a lot more film roles, even if they were more in the supporting roles. It was 2013 and ‘Orange is the New Black’ that gained her the biggest following. All this led to more television roles ending in 2023 with ‘Poker Face’.

In Conclusion

When you look at the different careers between the male and female stars of American Pie. You can see a string of different success stories. For the women, it is clear Alyson Hannigan had the most successful all-around career. Despite, Natasha Lyonne being the one we are seeing in the most popular shows as of 2024.

Two of the stars have gone on to become bigger cult favourites working consistently throughout the recent years. While one has become a massive charity campaigner. Nobody seems to have fallen into troubled times and you feel if they made another American Pie reunion special, the whole cast would be welcomed back.

What are your favorite performances from the women of American Pie?