What Doctor Should I See for Incontinence?

Posted on the 16 July 2013 by Np23 @Nancy_JHS

“I’ve been leaking urine unexpectedly. What type of doctor should I see for urinary incontinence?”

First off, it’s great that you’re seeking medical help for your bladder control problems. Many people are often reluctant to talk to anyone, including a doctor, about incontinence until the problem gets worse. However, there are treatment options available so you don’t have to suffer in silence.

Start with your primary care physician. He or she will rule out any infections and can help you determine what type of incontinence you may be experiencing. If the condition is caused by medication or a specific diet, it’ll be easy to fix. If it’s due to a weak pelvic floor, you may be advised to perform Kegel exercises – in this case, you might find it helpful to see a pelvic floor therapist.

Depending on the severity of your incontinence or your doctor’s expertise level, you may be referred to a specialist, such as an urologist. This type of doctor is trained to treat problems of the male and female urinary tracts, including the male reproductive organs (preferable if the incontinence is caused by prostate problems). Women may choose to see a gynecologist, specifically a urogynecologist. These doctors specialize in treating women with incontinence and who may have pelvic floor dysfunction, such as prolapse.

Whichever type of doctor you choose, make sure that you be frank and detailed when describing your symptoms. The best doctor will listen to your concerns and provide a wide range of treatment options. If you feel that he or she is not adequate in treating you, you have every right to find a different doctor.

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of doctors for incontinence, find out how to prepare for your appointment here. Good luck!