What Do You Eat for Breakfast?

By Eemusings @eemusings

By: Meg Lessard

Breakfast is one meal in which I just cannot embrace the healthy option.

I can do muesli / oats for a while but eventually get sick of it after a few days/weeks and need to change it up.

I love cereal – but it’s expensive, as is milk. And too often I wake up at the end of the week, only to find we’re out of milk because T drinks the stuff like it’s the elixir of life.

Toast doesn’t fill me up.

My main problem with breakfast is I get hungry an hour or two later, so I guess I need protein. Now I’m back at work focusing and using my brain 8-plus hours a day, I’m also back to being constantly hungry, unlike while we were traveling.

Maybe eggs are the solution? The big trays are reasonably cost effective, and while I refuse to cook on weekday mornings, eggs are fast.

What do you eat for breakfast?