However, between country and western songs, I do sometimes get these brilliant ideas that make me think: ‘I should write this down! If only I had a pen and paper, although it would be hard to write and run, and I can’t take a break yet, so I’ll just have to remember! What was it?! I’ve already forgotten but I remember it was brilliant!’
What do runners do during a run?
I was reading what other runners do during their runs, and I made a list:
- Enjoying nature*
- Doing some window shopping*
- Solving problems
- Praying
- Worrying about getting hurt
- Making plans on how to defend yourself in case of an attack*
- Focusing on body
- Keeping an eye on your pace
- Keeping an eye on your heart rate*
- Planning meals
- Thinking about the kids*
- Spitting
- Wondering: ‘If I drop dead now, will somebody find me?’*
- Doing sums in your head
- Counting your steps
- Counting your breaths
- Meditating
- Talking to other runners
- Focussing on your body
- Blowing your nose
- Letting your mind roam free*
- Reading street signs
- Listening to an audio book
- Letting one rip after checking there’s no one around to hear it*
- Looking at other runners*
- Checking out your reflection in windows*
- Listen to a podcast
- Enjoying the peace and quiet*
- Doing the alphabet game: look for something that starts with the letter A. After you’ve spotted that, move on to B, etc.
- Checking out houses*
- Singing*
- Checking your heart rate*
- Arguing with yourself: part of you wants to stop and the other part is pushing you to keep on running*
- Worrying about dogs coming to bite you*
- Getting in touch with yourself*
- Thinking of a blog post*
- Calculating how many Big Macs you can eat considering the number of miles you’ve run*
I’ve put a little asterisk after every thing I do. Gosh, I turn out to be quite the multitasker!
Which of these things do you do during your run?