What do bugs really want?
Plain and simple they want food, water and a home? That is exactly what we can and often times do provide them. Now the key to getting rid of them is by getting rid of one of those key essential things that they need to survive. The BIG problem is that we don’t often think about bugs when creating a home. We create little hiding areas, we water our plants and we leave our dog dishes out with food in them.
Our homes are the perfect environment for them, we have heat in the winter and cooler temps in the summer, we have lights on our houses which also may atttract them. See, they really don’t understand and probably could care less but the light, heat etc attracts them.
So here is the true test – you have to make your home uninviting to those guests you don’t want living at your home. Get yellow lights, seal your home and water sparingly and you may become the one house in your neighborhood where the bugs won’t make their homes.