Whát Did You Just Call Me?

By Nicoleao @momfever

I was having lunch with my two younger sisters.

I was sharing my efficient dinnertime routine with them. I told them how I put the food on everyone’s plates, and then put all the pots and pans in the dishwasher. That way we can eat in a tidy kitchen. Not until everything is neatly tidied away, I scream: ‘DINNER! COME AND GET IT!’

‘You have become such a housewife!’ my youngest sister exclaimed.

What did you just call me?!

And I looked at her, and I thought: ‘Whát did you just call me?!’ In my mind I reached across the table and pulled her across it. Then I realized: ‘I feel offended if someone calls me a housewife. Isn’t that odd? How did that happen?’

So instead of pulling her across the table, I gave her a gentle smile. Because she didn’t mean it as an insult.

Or did she?

How do you feel about the term ‘housewife’? How do you like being called ‘housewife’?