After my last appointment to the doctor, it finally all hit home. I might be MMI'd for my work injury. Which means they have done everything they can. Which is BS because they keep denying everything I want to try. But I digress... So now I am fully thinking about what else I can do for a career.
They keep asking what my back up career is. THIS WAS my back up career. Before I met my husband, I had planning on moving to Florida and joining the Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus Clown College and then traveling with the circus as a circus clown. With kids, that's not happening and I would totally not be able to do all the fun stuff that clowns do, so that is out of the question.
So I broke out the book What Color Is Your Parachute? 2012: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers
and the workbook that goes with it.
I originally bought it as a guide for my homeschooling children when they hit 11th grade. But I figured I would use it on myself. After going through a few activities, I thought "My parachute is the color RAINBOW!" So now I am working through my activities to figure out what I can do at home.
I thought about some things that would actually make money. Being a prostitute and a drug dealer are out of the question. I don't want to blow up my house or end up in jail for life. Writing is a definite idea! Now, if only I could figure out how to make blogging lucritive for me! I'll be researching more.
Google now has affiliates where I can put ads in the actual blog post. But I haven't figured out how to actually add them to the post. Now watch... there's going to be 20 ads show up for a parachute. It's not showing up in the post so I have no idea what I am doing. I also have amazon associates through a friends account that we set up for a business we started YEARS ago. She's not using it, so I am. I can add ads from there like this
They actually make that??? Okay. Anywhoodles, I can start posting relavent products in my posts. I did that with the books I am using (up there about the book and workbook). But that works only if someone wants to buy something. So she was telling me about this astore and I have been messing with it. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
She said I should put the rainbow bracelet ad on here cuz she likes it LOL. There it is... I so WANT ONE OF THOSE! Anyway, so I am thinking more now about how I can make money from home. Maybe I'll have massive yard sales... NAH! That would be too much for me.
Any ideas? LEGAL ideas?From The Baker's Acres!