What Are Your Wardrobe Staples?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Winter and summer may change what you need as your wardrobe staples, particularly if you live in a climate with very different weather seasonally.

When we think about what we really need in our wardrobe, it needs to:

  1. Work with your current lifestyle
  2. Work with your personality
  3. Work for the environment
  4. Reflect your personality

There is no one list that works for everyone, but there are some staples that I look for in most wardrobes.  Of course, take into consideration your personality and lifestyle – as what works for you and what you like to wear.  There is no point in wearing dresses (or trousers) if you don’t like to. Given that, think about having a range of staples that you can mix and match with your more trend oriented clothes.

wardrobe staples by imogenl featuring navy blue pants

Now of course your lifestyle will dictate exactly what you need in your wardrobe, but these are some ideas of what you need.  They are very general and bland – the whole point of a staple is that it can be worn with lots and lots of other pieces.

If you live in a hot climate, your jackets will be lighter fabrications. You may have more skirts than trousers, or replace skirts with dresses and you may add some shorts.

If you are in a cold climate, add in more jackets, long sleeve layers and cardigans.

Think about your lifestyle. Work in an office and you may need more smart staple clothes than relaxed versions of (though you will need some for your out-of-work hours). If you are a stay-at-home-mum then you will be looking at relaxed and casual versions of these garments. Knit or casual cotton jackets instead or structured wool for the corporate person. Denim or cotton rather than wool skirts. More t-shirts than blouses.

Also consider how you spend your time.  Do you need some evening staples such as a top with sparkles that you can team with your dress pants or skirt?

Some stylists believe you should have a list of items. Here I’ve put together mine as a comparison.

What are your wardrobe staples that you keep going back to over and over that work in lots of ways with your other garments?