What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

By Claire

When I make new year’s res­o­lu­tions I tend to go with the nor­mal things: eat health­ily, do more exer­cise, be organ­ised. The first two of those I already have cov­ered (she said, smugly! I lost a bit of weight in 2012) and the third is frankly a lost cause! It’s all happy chaos here and you know what: it works for me.

My new year’s res­o­lu­tions for 2013 then are:

  • to have adventures
  • to climb some mountains
  • to be happy

I started a new life in 2012, and took con­trol of my own hap­pi­ness. I love where I live, I feel as though I’m thriv­ing here by the beach and the moun­tains. Hap­pi­ness seems to have found me, and I’m deter­mined to make the most of every moment of the com­ing year. Life’s too short to live half-heartedly: as Frank Turner says, I plan to “grab life by the throat and then live it to pieces”!

I saw the New Year in at an inti­mate gig in Man­ches­ter, with my boyfriend. 2013 began with a kiss from my man, and with a huge grin, danc­ing, singing and smil­ing! So I’m car­ry­ing on the same way — and I want to spend time with my guy and with fam­ily and with friends, both old and new. I want to work and play hard, to enjoy life, to do new things and say yes as often as I can!

It’s pos­si­ble I might also lose some weight, if the fierce mar­ket­ing of yoghurts gets to me again this year. (Can’t wait for that to start again! I will exer­cise more — because when the sun shines on my beach I can’t resist being there! And I’ll work my lit­tle head off to bring you all the best real wed­dings from around the UK on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog of course!

So tell me — what are your new year’s res­o­lu­tions? What will you do in 2013? Is any­one else keep­ing a diary (I am!) or doing a photo a day, maybe?

What­ever your res­o­lu­tions, good luck. Have an amaz­ing 2013! Claire xxx

A wed­ding pho­to­graph which makes me happy! By Mis­ter Phill — http://www.misterphill.com/ Click the image to see this blog post from Eng­lish Wedding’s Focus On series of articles