What Are Your Favourite Costume Contact Lenses?

Posted on the 05 February 2015 by Opticalh @OpticalH

With Carnival just around the corner, many store windows are packed with lots of costumes and accessories. Everybody wants to go out to the streets wearing the most original costume and fantasy contacts’ success is guaranteed among the most passionate carnival fans. Red devilyellow, cat eye… Any option could be the right one to give your costume the final touch.

However, wearers of these contact lenses should be responsible and careful and we will tell you why. Many small shops, beauty centres or even online stores in the Internet have this type of Costume contact lenses for sale at reasonable prices but without any quality control.

Visual health is not a game and wearing contact lenses that haven’t passed a quality control inspection may cause permanent damage on the eye: reduction of visual acuity, conjunctivitis and many other visual conditions.

That’s the reason why, at Optical H, we strongly believe that only an optometrist-optician is qualified to determine if a person is suitable for Costume contact lenses, even adapting the contacts to every customer’s needs and recommending for how long contact lenses can be worn. Likewise, it’s important that these contact lenses wearers are aware of the information that an eye-care professional can give them to prevent any risk of infection.

The optometrist-opticians in our team will explain all the information you need to know about fantasy contacts so that everybody envy your Carnival costume this year. Moreover, in our online store, we have the Crazy Lens contact lenses from Cooper Vision. A product that is manufactured in different colours and models such us red devil, yellow, cat eye, etc., offering very good aesthetic results.

What look do you want for your eyes? Eyes like zombies, cats, orcs, vampires, witches or perhaps the icy look of a snow fairy? Show off a truly fiction look and…dress up like the character you like!