What Are You Reading Right Now??

By Avantipatil13 @EverytgabtAnytg
This article isn’t the usual one. Its about book review.To start with I love reading. I fee reading is one of the best things that has happened to mankind..

I love reading … I simply loveeeeeeeeeeee it!!I don’t remember when I started reading first, but I am glad I did. I love books, happy endings bring a smile to my face, i feel like a detective while reading a thriller and on and on. I love the experience books  give you, the waay they engage you in themselves, the way they make you travel with the story… it’s such a different experience all together. They build patience in you. Well there are so many things to list, but lets continue it some other time.Coming back to the review,So right now I am reading “FALL OF GIANTS” by “KEN FOLLET”.I have completed reading more than one third of the book, I know not a good number but I couldn’t wait to share my experience. And anyways I don’t want to complete the book and then write the review and put spoiler alerts! Here and there!Well this book is the first book of the trilogy by KEN FOLLET.  It is followed by “WINTER OF THE WORLD” and the third book provisionally titled “EDGE OF ETERNITY” will be published in late 2014.It is a historic novel based on five families who are brought together through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution and the struggle for votes for women. This book is a solid from the first page.This book is an immediate read; I mean I could wait at least. Though the size of the book might take you back a bit but believe me you will find it worth it at the end. The period encompasses First World War. The upper class weren’t shy about then being higher in the class and liked showing it off. Also the lower class was shown their place.There are a lot of characters in the book. So many that he actually provides an index to list them. The characters are clearly described when are where encountered and they are so memorable that it’s easy to keep them straight.So overall the story is intriguing and complex but a pure pleasure!!!

Happy Reading...!!Disclaimer : All the images are taken from internet . Please let me know in case you want to pull any of them down or add a caption. Thanks for the awesome photography.