What Are You Going to Do This Twixtmas?

Posted on the 17 December 2013 by Iangreen @GREENComms

It’s that time of year again. Not Christmas or New Year – but Twixtmas. The time to do 5 socially good things during the 5 days between the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Can you do five easy things to make the world a better place when, in a time poor age, you have lots of free time?
Ideas from making yourself happier, being better prepared for your death, to being a better driver or even helping good causes in your pajamas are being promoted in a new ‘University of Twixtmas’.
Everyone is being encouraged to learn five new things, or do five things to make the world a better place during the five days of Twixtmas – the five days between the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Instead of binge shopping, or binge drinking, the virtual ‘University of Twixtmas’ is encouraging binge doing to overcome the problem of ‘time poverty’ – where people use the excuse of not having enough time to do things for themselves or others
What five books would you recommend to friends? What five steps can you take to learn new skills? What five people could you get in touch with? What five little things could you do to help the environment?
The campaign web site Twixtmas.com offers practical advice and inspiration to encourage everyone to make the most of this under-used opportunity. The site also provides a free facility for sending a Twixtmas e greeting card, and you can also download a Twixtmas pledge form.
The idea was originally conceived by me as a simple way of creating social good by thinking differently about the period between the two public holidays of Christmas and New Year, and make use of untapped resource, energy, and opportunities.
To help people get the most of period the campaign has themed each of the five days with a focus:

  • Day 1 is about spoiling yourself and thinking more positively about you.
  • Day 2 is do something for someone else, ideally a stranger – help a neighbor or good cause
  • Day 3 is help a friend
  • Day 4 is doing something for the planet
  • Day 5 is do something for your future

Further details about Twixtmas can be found at www.twixtmas.com
There is no excuse at Twixtmas of not having enough time to either learn new things or do something good to make your world better. Create your own ‘University of Twixtmas’ programme, doing five little things during each of the five days of Twixtmas.
What are you going to do this Twixtmas?