What Are the Survey Types You Will Generally Need?

By Smadison

Planning adequately for new development needs the right professional skills and knowledge. If you are still in the learning process about the construction or development industry, then it could be somewhat daunting to know from where you should start planning and applying skills. That is the reason why you have to hire experienced professionals from a licensed and well-established company for directing you in the right direction so you can overcome the initial hurdles. Even for land surveys, you will have to take help from licensed surveyors from the renowned surveying company in Perth .

What Are the Survey Types You Will Generally Need?

In fact, three specific reasons suggest why you should not forgo conducting a land survey and must hire a licensed surveyor for conducting a land survey on your property.

  1. First, for identifying the land boundaries you are selling or purchasing.
  2. Second, for planning the prevailing structures and estates development.
  3. Third, for protecting all your property rights.

While deciding on the survey type as needed by your property, you need to consider a few points.

a. Are you to subdivide your property?

When you have decided to subdivide your property, then you will have to lodge a Subdivision DA (Development Application) with your local Council in Perth after the subdivision survey has already been conducted. Now to get it prepared for Council Approval, a feasibility survey, as well as environmental effects, should be done appropriately as the proposed subdivision plan, and so you have to hire a licensed surveyor from a certified company in Perth . A licensed and Registered Surveyor should be preparing the Plan of Subdivision Registration with the Land and Property Information at the Land Titles Office. As soon as this plan's registration is done, then the new lots will be created along with creating new titles for each lot and issuing them.

By all means, a registered surveyor should mark your boundaries before a new fence is constructed. A new fence construction needs a boundary survey. The boundary survey determines your boundaries' location to be marked either with the survey pegs or the other survey marker. As a result, it ensures the fence being in the correct location, thus limiting any dispute chances.

c. Whether you are to build a new residence or renovate or extend a prevailing residence?

When you are building up a new home or getting some adjustments done to the existing one, then a topographical or contour and detail survey needs to be completed. Through this survey, you will be able to see the existing features of your property, contour lines and levels, and the directly adjoining information assisting with the architectural designs.

The licensed and registered surveyor will be obtaining a construction certificate for setting out the proposed residence with the survey pegs for ensuring the residence or structure is being located at the right position, according to the design.

Before pouring the concrete, a formwork survey should be completed which will be locating the formwork position and its height for confirming it is lying within the tolerances.

An identification survey will be finally done for confirming the new residence has met the requirements with regard to the property boundaries.

d. When you are purchasing or selling a property?

An identification survey is a must when you are selling or purchasing land. From this survey, you will be able to identify the residence's wall to boundary dimensions and improvements near the boundaries. Through this survey, the vendor receives peace of mind in case any discrepancies or problems come up with the neighbours or the Council in the near future.

Land and property consist of two common features, which are Title and Ownership. At some point in time, one Title needs to be divided according to the number of owners, and that is how the surveying comes up before subdivision. Hence, to avoid conflicts and errors, hiring licensed surveyors for surveys is rather a wise decision, and their services will pay off in the future.