What Are the Style Rules?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Often people will comment that they don’t agree with the advice I’ve given in a blog post.  They will tell me that think my ‘rules’ are wrong and they don’t plan on following them.  There are no rules that I would say are finite “style rules” in the book, everything is just a guideline.

The thing is, I don’t believe I”m writing sets of ‘rules’ for you all to follow, I’m just providing some guidelines to help you try and figure out what works for you individually.

The only rule is that there are no absolute style rules!

As I’ve said before, we are a combination of different features, body variations and proportions, our colouring is unique to us, and our personality will influence everything we choose to put on our bodies.  Any of the guidelines I provide here need to be looked at from your perspective.  Do they apply to you or not?

Sure I’ve got lots of experience working with lots of different clients and have figured out these guidelines that work for many, but that’s not to say there aren’t exceptions to every rule.  There are things that I think are more aesthetically pleasing than others, but isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder?

So don’t think that my advice is written in stone and can’t be ignored.  Of course you can take it or leave it.  If it’s helpful that’s great, if it’s not, move on!