What Are The Odds Of That!? Hair Talk.

By Emily @thatemilygirll

I just realized something. I came to the conclusion that when you have sort hair, everyone else has long hair. When you have long hair, everyone has short hair!

It’s kind of like how when you’re single, everyone else is in a relationship, but when you’re in a relationship, everyone else is single!!

What is up with that!!??

Any way, I am trying to grow my hair out, it has gotten pretty long, but it isn’t to the length I want it at. I am getting so impatient but I know it will be worth the wait!

I’ve been trying to take good care of my hair. I’ve used a lot of different things and tricks to try to get it healthy and get it growing. But I just feel like I haven’t tried it all.

If you know of any tricks and treats to help repair my hair. Please share!  Here are some of the things I have tried.

  • Biotin (I think it’s working!)
  • Homemade hair mask with oil and honey (thumbs up)
  • Fast Shampoo&Conditioner  (Love this product)
  • No heat/harsh chemicals (very helpful)
  • Combing with a wide tooth comb/Brushing more often (Even though it’s a hassle)

I’m still on the look for more things to try! The things I listed above I am still doing, but not as often because I just get tired of doing it. (Lazy me) haha.

Well let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoyed reading!


Magnolia Pearl