What About Writing the Christmas Cards in Italian Language?

By Xxlauraxx @all4italy

Buon natale!

Christmas is coming. We have already packed our gifts and now what we need more?  The Christmas cards = biglietti di Natale. The Christmas cards - that accompany gifts or they are sent to some far friends - still exist in spite of the diffusion of the emails and the phone messages. Actually you can feel the state of uncertainty  about what to write. Then the imagination takes over and you will be able to create some funny and original sentences for every occasion! Why not do something different this year? Why not write your Christmas cards in Italian language? Here some sentences used to the classic Christmas cards (of course you can opt for some sentences with a greater effect).
The first classical and non-binding sentence is “Auguri di serene feste”  “Best wishes for peaceful holidays”. the following sentences will be very suitable in a  little more formal Christmas card  : Un augurio sincero di Buon Natale If you want a more cheerful but always classic sentence here you are : Auguri di un Natale spumeggiante = Best wishes for a sparkling Christmas. One more classic sentence  Con l’augurio che il Santo Natale vi porti, fra i doni sotto l’albero, infinita serenità. Buon Natale! =With the hope that Christmas brings you, among the gifts under the tree, infinite serenity. Merry Christmas! The classic sentence you will find mainly on the business cards is I migliori auguri di buon Natale e felice anno nuovo = Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Of course if you want to break away from the traditional sentences you can use your imagination ... in any case it  will be a success!