What About a Game of Chess in Italian Language?

By Xxlauraxx @all4italy

Do you like to play at chess? I'm not so skilled, but if I meet someone who want to play a game of chess, I like to do it . The chess brings me back to my childhood, when my father put me in front

the classical chess ( source

of the chessboard = scacchiera and told me: "This game is useful to study and anticipate the moves. You have to think before you act . This is a useful lesson for your life. " How about a game of chess with me in Italian language? Before beginning we have to know the name of what we use. So we will have a chessboard with 64 squares = caselle and 8 lines = linee. We will need 8 pawns = pedoni ( pedone singular), two horses = cavalli ( cavallo is singular), two bishops = alfieri ( alfiere is singular), two rooks = torri ( torre is singular) , one queen = regina ( regibne is plural), one king = re ( the same singular and plural) for each player. Ido not want to talk about the rules, surely you know better than me. But  if we play a game of chess now we can speak in Italian. The main purpose is to checkmate = dare scacco matto! And the second purpose is to have fun! Are you ready?

Giulio Campi- the Chess player (1530) location  Museo civico d'arte antica Torino souce http://commons.wikimedia.org/