What a Wonderful Thing Love Is…

By Claire

A lit­tle some­thing spe­cial for today — 3:44 min­utes of romance with Lau­ren* and Pat’s lovely wed­ding fea­ture film from Love Gets Sweeter. I love blog­ging wed­ding films like this — it’s won­der­ful to sit back, turn my speak­ers up, grab a bis­cuit (just to hold) and smile, gig­gle and cry a bit along with the movie!

High­lights of this wed­ding film for me (and for you to watch out for):

  • Hubert the dog is so cuddleable
  • the boys cycling their way around Lon­don (a bit wibbly)
  • Lauren’s fab­u­lous dress by Enzoani is amaz­ing on her! Prop­erly elab­o­rate and beau­ti­ful — and on such a gor­geous bride it looks incred­i­ble. Watch for the swish­ing through the park…
  • Pat’s nerves dur­ing the cer­e­mony — he’s so lovely and adorably over­whelmed by the wedding
  • * briefly known as Louise as Pat said her mid­dle name first by acci­dent, or so I under­stand from the Love Gets Sweeter blog post!
  • tears from friends and fam­ily watch­ing Pat’s slideshow trib­ute to his mom — a truly won­der­ful thing to do

Oh, and by all accounts Char­lene from Love Gets Sweeter was nearly arrested before the wed­ding break­fast. Find out why

I have to tell you a lit­tle about Char­lene as well. Her very first email to me about this wed­ding fea­ture film said, “they were my per­fect cou­ple, very much in love, styl­ish and fun.” and then this week she told me, “They are the nicest cou­ple… There were points in the day where I had to stop myself from ‘ahhing’ out loud!”

It makes all the dif­fer­ence when a wed­ding sup­plier feels pas­sion­ately about your wed­ding day, right?