What A Lions Win Really Means

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a week of work and writing. It has been a busy week and I’m excited about watching the Lions this weekend.

I haven’t watched them play in a long time. I’ve been busy with my writing, kids, and work, so football has gone by the wayside. However, my youngest has taken an interest in watching the games this season, and I’ve gotten sucked into watching them as well. They’re exciting. I’d forgotten how much fun they can be.

We started watching them as a family, and it’s a wonderful way to connect. I love the energy of the team and the way they stick together and back each other up. That’s one thing I’ve noticed in the sports arena. The comradery and the sportsmanship.

The relationships between the coaches and players is nothing short of amazing. It’s the stuff that companies should cultivate for their management teams and their employees. There’s a trust there that you don’t see in the corporate environment.

All the teams have this, not just the Lions, and I love it.

What I’ve also found and never expected was how the Lions have brought our world together again. I’ve noticed when I go to the grocery store, I run into someone wearing a Lions jersey or a Lions ball cap, and for a brief moment there’s a connection. Even though we’re strangers, we smile and nod or say, “Go Lions.”

I haven’t seen this since before the pandemic. This kind of connection and friendliness. I believe our whole state needed this to bring us together for a common purpose. I know it’s just a football game, but let’s extrapolate.

Photo credit: guineapig33 on Visualhunt.com

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could find a common purpose that’s bigger than a football game? What if we all came together to combat homelessness or to save our planet? Or how about strengthening our communities so there’s no more mass shootings? We could take lessons from the Lions.

So, today, I’ll be watching the Lions, and I hope you will, too. We need a win in this messed up world of ours. To give us hope.

If we were able to take this lesson from the Lions, and we were able to work for a common purpose in your community, what would it be? Would we fight pollution or combat homelessness? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!