What a Beautiful Moon in Italian Language!

By Xxlauraxx @all4italy

Watching the night sky in the evening makes me feel good and my imagination flies to the remote areas of the universe. Our eyes and our being is so limited that it is hard to imagine how such great immensity can surround ourselves. All this should make us think .
As soon as we raise our eyes, one of the first elements we see is definitely the moon = la luna. Here the  little ball of light that waxes and decreases.
How many legends and beliefs are associated with this natural satellite = satellite naturale! The romantics declare their eternal love in the moonlight, while the wolves howl in front of the moon.
The farmers await the favorable phase = fase in order to manage the planting or the harvesting. The moon has no atmosphere= atmosfera but  you can see the craters= crateri.
Who uses the moon to determine the timing of the agricultural process, checks every time if the moon is the in the phase of the first quarter = fase di primo quarto, the new moon phase = fase di luna nuova, phase of the last quarter= la fase di ultimo quarto, and at last the full moon = luna piena.
If we want to be a little less serious and more related to the  Ossianic literature, the full moon is the time of the werewolves. Don’t worry! They don’t exist ad they are the result of a very imaginative mind. In any case, we have to admire this beautiful moon shining in the night!
I leave you this song ... is suitable for the occasion and all in  Italian language