Westworld (OCS): Where Was Season 3 Filmed? – News Series on TV

Posted on the 14 April 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

When leaving their usual western decor for season 3, did the HBO series "Westworld" also change filming location? We have the answer!

The surprising season 3 of Westworld continues on HBO / OCS every week and it seems to have definitively abandoned the original park, that of the western, to embark on other worlds, including ours. If seasons 1 and 2 had mainly been filmed in Los Angeles and its surroundings, as well as in Utah for wide shots of desert landscapes, what about season 3 knowing that some decorations were destroyed during the California fires in November 2018?

The production first moved to Singapore from June 2019 to film the whole part taking place in a futuristic Los Angeles. The team thus found itself in very touristy places such as the National Gallery, the Hélix bridge or the School of Arts. Scenes were also shot in Downton Los Angeles, where digital special effects were added in post-production, inspired by buildings spotted in Shanghai. The team also collaborated with that of The Mandalorian, with the same concern of creating decorations that are virtually wider and deeper than they actually are.

For Arthur's house, we had to redouble our ingenuity because at the time of season 2, this little architectural gem, the Millard House in Pasadena signed by designer Frank Lloyd-Wright, was for sale so the production had could take the opportunity to rent it. But at the time of the shooting of season 3, it was sold and an agreement with the new owners could not be found. They therefore had to recreate part of the house on a plateau.

A third part of the shooting took place in Spain for the first time. First for the scenes of episode 2 taking place in a park supposed to represent the facist Italy of the years 30-40 where Maeve finds himself immersed. Then for the Serac laboratories, the team had the privilege of filming for one day only at La Fabrica, near Barcelona. Additional sets have been recreated in the studio for additional scenes and shots. Finally, they went to the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia to film what represents the headquarters of Delos, an amazing structure which contains in particular the largest aquarium in Europe.

The making-of of episode 1 of season 3 of Westworld: