West Point Study Demonizes “far Right” as Terrorists

Posted on the 19 January 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

Our soldiers are forbidden from criticizing Islam but a West Point study calls Americans on the political right “terrorists.”

Michael Carl of WND alerts us to a new West Point study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center which should ring alarm bells.

The study, “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” links the “far right” to terrorism. By “far right,” the study includes members of “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement,” the latter referring to those who are pro-life and anti-abortion.

The author of the West Point study, Arie Perliger, cites “anti-abortionists” as an active terrorist threat. He writes:

“The anti-abortionists have been extremely productive during the last two decades, amassing 227 attacks, many of them perpetrated without the responsible perpetrators identified or caught. And while, in both cases, the 1990s were more violent than the last decade, in the case of anti-abortion, the trend is much more extreme, as 90 percent of attacks were perpetrated before 2001.”

American Life League President Judie Brown believes this is a smear tactic.

Here’s the summary of the study on the website “Combating Terrorism Center at Westpoint”:

Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right

Jan 15, 2013

Author: Arie Perliger

In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics. These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition. To date, however, there has been limited systematic documentation and analysis of incidents of American domestic violence.

This study provides a conceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks and their associated trends. Through a comprehensive look at the data, this study addresses three core questions:

(1) What are the main current characteristics of the violence produced by the far right?

(2) What type of far-right groups are more prone than others to engage in violence? How are characteristics of particular far-right groups correlated with their tendency to engage in violence?

(3) What are the social and political factors associated with the level of far-right violence? Are there political or social conditions that foster or discourage violence?

It is important to note that this study concentrates on those individuals and groups who have actually perpetuated violence and is not a comprehensive analysis of the political causes with which some far-right extremists identify. While the ability to hold and appropriately articulate diverse political views is an American strength, extremists committing acts of violence in the name of those causes undermine the freedoms that they purport to espouse.

Here’s the study in PDF. I’ve saved the document in FOTM’s media library, so if you can’t access the study on the web, click here: ChallengersFromtheSidelines.

See also the demonization of the Right by other agencies of the Obama regime:

H/t FOTM’s Miss May
