West Elm is Taking Up to 75 Percent Off for Its End of Season Sale

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

This just in: West Elm-The brand that is practically synonymous with chic and timeless contemporary furniture - now takes up to 75% off end-of-season sales. With all that extra time spent inside making us strongly aware of all the things we want to change the most in our homes, the timing couldn't be better.

If the "end of season sale" brings you images of Christmas decorations, we are happy to share that the sale of West Elm is actually epic. With significant discounts in virtually every section, this sale offers significant savings on everything from furniture (up to 40% reduction) to home decor (up to 60% reduction) to bedding (up to 70%) to carpets (up to 75% reduction)) and more. From linen comforter sets to hand-painted ceramics, there is much to covet. Here, some of our favorite branded parts to buy now when selling West Elm before everything sells out.

Acadia outdoor bar table and stool set

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