“Well, That’s the First Intelligent Thing You’ve Done.”

Posted on the 13 February 2015 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

That from one SCOTUS Justice to another:

In a lighthearted moment before an audience at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Thursday night, the 81-year-old Ginsburg cracked up telling the story that she “wasn’t 100 percent sober” before going to the State of the Union.

“The audience – for the most part – is awake because they’re bobbing up and down all the time and we sit there stone-faced, sober judges,” Ginsburg said. “At least I wasn’t 100 percent sober because before we went to the State of the Union we had dinner.”

Ginsburg said that Justice Anthony Kennedy was the culprit, bringing wine to dinner.

“Justice Kennedy brought in … it was an Opus something or other, very fine California wine that Justice Kennedy brought and I vowed this year just sparkling water, stay away from the wine,” Ginsburg told the audience. “But in the end, the dinner was so delicious, it needed wine to accompany it.”

She continued: “So I got a call when I came homefrom one of my granddaughters and she said, ‘Bubbe, you were sleeping at the State of the Union.”

Justice Antonin Scalia, who was on stage with Ginsburg, joked, “Well, that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve done.”

Seems a bit sharp there don't you think Justice Scalia