Well Said, Dave!

By Davidduff

Yes, you did read that title correctly!  I watched 'Dim Dave' on the telly this morning and, yes, I do have a sad, lonely, social life, thank you for asking!  He was speaking at the international Davos meeting and, through gritted teeth, I must admit that he was really rather impressive.  His main push was in the direction of what he called 're-shoring', that is, bringing back operating companies to the UK.  Quite rightly he stressed, with a kick in the direction of Brussells, the importance of de-regulating the business world so that companies will find it easy and more attractive to relocate back here.

What he didn't stress, probably because it would have been seen as insulting by the likes of China and India, is that there are also some underlying attractions to life in Britain beyond just the nuts and bolts of business life.  It is difficult when you actually live here to see and appreciate these attractions, particularly when you are a grumpy old man like me!  But first of all we do have the rule of law - and, yes, like all systems of law and order it frequently  goes awry but it is here and it is virtually corruption free.  Anyone who does business in emerging nations and falls foul of their laws will instantly see the difference! 

Then there is London which compares well as one of the great, exciting cities of the world.  The arts are represented in all their diversity, there are international fashion houses galore to keep the ladies happy, top restaurants with just about every cuisine in the world, and at its best London is an exciting fusion of the old and the ultra-new.  Living as I do now in the country I notice this on my ocasional trips to London.  There is a buzz about the place.  Tomorrow I'm off to the Tate Modern to see the Paul Klee exhibition and not the least of the pleasures will be strolling along the South Bank with St. Paul's across the river and the amazing modern City skyline beyond it.  Outside the city there is still plenty of gorgeous countryside to be enjoyed and lived in.  And by and large, people in Britain are pleasant rather than unpleasant.  It may be far from heaven but it certainly isn't the sort of hell you will find in other places.

Now I must go and see if I have that job with the British Tourist Board!