Well Behaved Women ...

By Bette @BluesBette

I needed to post these two pictures and the definitions for  the three words: aggressive, assertive and bitch.  It is a fine line.  ag·gres·sive 
  1. characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like
  2. making an all-out effort to win or succeed; competitive 
  3. vigorously energetic 
  4. boldly assertive and forward; pushy 
  5. emphasizingmaximumgrowthandcapitalgainsoverquality,security,andincome

  1. confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive: aggressive; dogmatic 
  2. having a distinctive or pronounced taste or aroma.


  1. malicious,unpleasant,selfishperson,esp.a woman
  2. a lewd woman
Reading tip: Forbes - blog by Meghan Casserly The Bitching Point
*  *  * As a mother of a daughter and as a woman I've always said: "No more raising nice girls!"
I hope you get my point.  That's all, folks!   Bette