Welcoming Fall, Going Home

By Travelersmind
It doesn't quite feel like fall outside--ok, let's be honest, it feels like mid-July with the 90-degree temperatures and high levels of humidity--but that wonderful season is just around the corner. Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer, and I am saying farewell with a much-needed trip back to Denver, back home to the wonderful state of Colorado.
I know I sound like a broken record sometimes, but I just love Denver. I love going back to the rising peaks of the Rocky Mountains, their natural beauty leaving me breathless everytime. It doesn't matter that I grew up there, spent the first 18 years of my life in the mile-high city, it still surprises me, still excites me with everything is has to offer. I'm sure everyone feels that way about their home town, at least at one point or another. That's what is so great about going back, it's still the same, comfortable enviornment you remember, but there is always something new and different to experience. I can't wait to walk around the neighborhoods I used to frequent and see what new shops have popped up, new restaurants. It's like rediscovering a place all over again. Of course, I would be sad if some of my favorite places were no longer around, which tends to happen now and again, but it just opens the door for a change, and that's always a positive thing.
And while I am bummed that summer is coming to a close and the warm weather will be leaving us soon--though today, I would love some relief from the heat--I am thrilled to welcome fall. It is, afterall, my favorite season. It might be the slightly cooler weather that allows me to wear my cute sweaters and boots, or it might be the changing colors of the leaves, or the smell of apple cider and pumkin pie. Whatever the reason, fall is a fantastic time of year, and I am happy to be saying hello from the comfort of home.