Welcome to the Twilight Zone

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


For the better part of two decades, I have had this gnawing feeling deep down in my gut that we were somehow drifting into another dimension. I really cannot point my finger to any one thing that has been driving it, as it is more like a conglomeration of millions of things I have seen that have left me scratching my head in amazement, if not outright disbelief.

I am now convinced our journey is complete, and that we have finally arrived:

Via newsbusters.org:

Clueless: Joyce Carol Oates Outraged Over Selfie With ‘Dead Dinosaur’

By P.J. Gladnick | June 10, 2015 | 5:03 PM EDT Welcome to the Twilight Zone The horror…the horror.Novelist Joyce Carol Oates went into full liberal outrage mode when she spotted a picture of that notorious big game hunter, Steven Spielberg, posing with his prey. In this case it was a Triceratops dinosaur prop from the Jurassic Park movie set. It turns out that Oates’ anger comes about 65 million years too late because that was about how long ago this dinosaur went extinct.  Her laughably misplaced anger was in reaction to a tongue in cheek tweet by IGN movie editor Chris Tilly who probably didn’t think any rational person would take him seriously.


To see the actual tweet, go here.

LOL – I have no idea what sort of drugs Oates is doing, but I am wondering if she is willing to share.


(h/t: newsbusters.org)