Welcome to the Small Investor

Posted on the 05 January 2017 by Smallivy

In case anyone is finding this site for the first time, having made the New Year’s resolution to do better with money and therefore deciding to scroll around to personal finance blogs, lets me first say, “Welcome.  I’m glad you’re here.”

There are a lot of blogs on the internet of people trying to get out of debt, or talking about their personal journey to pay off debt or perhaps grow their wealth.  There are also sites where people talk about their stock trading or other types of trading.  I’ve tried to make this site different by focusing in on something few people seem to cover – a financial strategy for building wealth, with information on investing and economic commentary thrown in for good measure.

The whole process begins with managing your cash flow – basically setting up the way you handle money to direct some of the money you earn to things that will help you grow wealth rather than just make and spend money.  I spend a lot of time talking about investing for retirement, since that is the biggest expense most people will face and it takes a lot of work to be ready.   I also talk about making good choices, such as buying used cars for cash rather than carrying a car payment your whole life.  Just doing that and investing the rest can leave you a multimillionaire at retirement.

Probably the best way to find your way around the site, other than just subscribing and reading each new post, is to use the categories on the side bar to bring up posts of interest.  In particular, check out “How the rich invest and handle money” and “401k investing” to read what I think are some of the best posts.  If you’re brand new to investing,  just look at the categories of “investing,” “For the new investor,” and  “Investing definitions and basic information” to start learning about investing.  If you like to hear about economics and my thoughts on why free enterprise is way better than socialism, or you just want to read things you may disagree with because your argumentative, check out “Commentary” or “Economic theories.”  If you want to hear my ideas of how to fix paying for health care and poverty, go to “Small Ivy’s Big Ideas.”

So kick back and enjoy.  Maybe throw in a comment here and there to give your take or let me know where I’m wrong.  If you feel the urge, consider buying a copy of the book.  I think you’ll really benefit from it, and it gives me a financial reason to keep on making blog posts rather than spending my time doing something else.  Once again, welcome to The Small Investor.

To ask a question, email  vtsioriginal@yahoo.com or leave the question in a comment.

Follow on Twitter to get news about new articles.  @SmallIvy_SI

Disclaimer: This blog is not meant to give financial planning advice, it gives information on a specific investment strategy and picking stocks. It is not a solicitation to buy or sell stocks or any security. Financial planning advice should be sought from a certified financial planner, which the author is not. All investments involve risk and the reader as urged to consider risks carefully and seek the advice of experts if needed before investing.