As protestors flood DC screaming and chanting against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court we’re at Rock Bottom as a Nation.
Our flag has never flown so low or under such troubled, Kremlin Red Skies.
Twilight’s Last Gleaming
October 4th, 2018. A day that will live in infamy. The day America reached it’s deepest low since pre civil war congressional knife fights that fail to end slavery where even the good guys sound profoundly racist by today’s standards. The new GOP tactic of having its few women in power say the awful slut shaming things that the GOP men script for them but are too smart to say themselves is likely dooming us all to decades of Kavanaughian misery.
Our national prospects have never been worse. We’re about to put caveman on the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh’s approval ratings are roughly the same as the amount of Americans who Opposed Winning World War II, about one-third of everyone. The other two-thirds passionately hate and fear Kavanaugh.
Screams and protests from the Senate Gallery, the sort unheard in decades of divisive legislating, is quite simply heartbreaking.
A grim, angry and entitled man on the SCOTUS bench is just another example of Donald Trump’s 2 Super Powers- To make people walk away more divided than they were before he spoke and, worse; an ability Constantly Reach New Lows through the utter lack of a moral basement.
Never forget Susan Collins, Senator from Maine, who lead the charge among women on the right to pretty much be Rape Cheerleaders for an angry drunken frat boy, so long as that frat boy is a conservative.
The Two Front War Against The Truth and of course Women and Minorities seems to be consequence free for now. It’s hard to say ‘Vote “em Out” when I’m pretty sure the GOP will try to fix the election with help from Putin again and this time the backlash will be greater and more immediate.
As his wife cavorts around Africa without him dressed in cast off movie villain outfits, the Social War at home remains a baffling example of failed indirect democracy. Since the 2nd election in less than 20 years to make the (huge) loser of the popular vote president the will of the American People is simply being ignored on many fronts.
Super Popular measures on Gun Control and the Affordable Care Acts are ignored or even attacked as a minority agenda slowly advances.
The president and his stooges have the roughly the same amount of support as Los
Then to top it all off we have a terrible possible predator who seems likely open to blackmail going to a lifetime job telling the rest of us how to live.
What Next?
Sure looks like this coming midterm is going to have Three main features.
First; the Democrats will likely win all over the map.
Second; there will be many states who fail to protect their Voting Process and a bunch of contested results where the GOP wins in a fishy way.
Third; trump will absolutely claim every democratic win is a fraud and probably try to get the FBI to investigate it the Democrats ONLY and find a way to NOt seat the new congress at all.
Trump WILL try to nullify the midterms. Caveman Kavanaugh is about to beat the odds and become a Supreme Court Justice. The checks and balances meant to
It’s a sad day for decency.
50 Little Firfdoms or Several Regional Republics?
This is what Putin wanted and its becoming sort of likely. Every time Trump stretches the rubber band of national morality to near snapping point the less and less it is able to return to its original shape. He’s deeply damaging all our institutions all the time.
The stakes of this election are really high. The people of any given reagion will not sit by and live their lives according to another regions morality. Any hint of Hacking in the election has the potential to have us breaking into several regional republics.
The funny part about this, is, if it happens it would actually makes Trump the first president NOT born in the United States. Talk about “what comes around goes around.”