Welcome Round 2!

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Today I'm going to introduce you to 3 more of my wonderful March sponsors. Do yourself a favor and go say hello :) Tell them that I sent you!
First up is Leigh Anne at Hart to Heart!

"Hello readers! I’m Leigh Anne and I am a very new blogger! I like to consider myself a jack-of-all-trades. The past 16 years of my life were spent as a dancer practicing nearly 24 hours a week, but when I got married and moved to Alaska this summer my journey and direction in life took a change. While being a full time PR and Communications student is great I needed another outlet for my creativity, so I began exploring the idea of blogging and here I am now.  My blog will follow my journey of crafting, cooking and creating while balancing life of being the wife of a deployed soldier, full time student, and aspiring personal trainer. Phew! Yep, it’s a bit crazy and chaotic but I’d love to share my whirlwind of a life with you! Oh and did I mention I have an Etsy shop? Come check it out : Hart to Hart Designs; handmade hair accessories and photo props. Looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you! xo Leigh Anne "
Next up is Susan from Two Cats & A Chloe!

"Hello Readers! My name is Susan!  You can find me and all my adventures over at 2 cats & chloe. {Yes, I have two cats and a Chloe.  All of which are proud rescue animals.  Don't worry, you'll meet them when you come visit me!} So you may ask what kind of adventures I partake in...  I travel.  A lot.  Road trips, mission trips, backpacking trips, business trips... lots of trips, sometimes falls. I eat.  Paleo foods mostly.  No, I don't eat dinosaurs. I craft.  Usually as my creative release at the end of a stressful day.  (Along with red wine!) I blog.  About life with my 2 cats and chloe.  (And my friends, family, and boyfriend - don't worry, I'm not some crazy cat lady who only talks about fur balls and litter boxes.  Eek!) I am new to the blogging scene and would LOVE IT if you took a little trip over to my blog by clicking here, looked around, and dropped me a line!  I can't wait to meet you!"
And last up today is Jamie from Jamie Etc.

"I'm a 12-year-old girl from England, the land of the tea-drinkers! I'm a student, artist, budding photographer and dancer (sort of). I started my blog with dreams to have thousands of followers, but now I just love sharing my ideas! My blog has tutorials, fashion, photos, the occasional recipe, and just random tid-bits from my wonderfully unawesome life!" .
And there you have them :) Really...go say hello!
I hope you all have a super awesome Saturday! I'll hopefully be enjoying it in the Florida sunshine!