Welcome, Come In, Sit Down

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup
Mama's hair is dripping with lovely moisturising olive oil, so no pics today. Instead we're going for a wee stroll to have a look at some of the few parts of the house to have escaped the domestic sluttery curse. K?  C'mon, bring your cuppa.
Oh dear it looks like Mama's nodded off here.
My local discount chemist employs a lovely make up artist who recently taught me a good way to apply black eye make-up.
The eye on my left is a bit crooked, but I'm practicing and I was still over the moon that it lasted all day.
Oh look, it's The Stylist who has been busy styling up a sweet black floral frock a friend gave her.
The mix of red checks and black florals reminds me of our beautiful Bella of The Citizen Rosebud.

The vintage bangle with rhinestones is just the right size for that wee wrist and the blue floral shoes were one of the free pairs of shoes we found in our Sunday market car park.
The Lego lady, or Flamenco-Lady-Without-Fan reminds me of dancing diva, Veshoevius.
Lily, the rapidly-growing kitten is shown some cute wee bargains from a toy sale at Aid for the Blind last week.

This is one of the spots where Mama gets her non-domestic work done, which of course, includes regularly leaping out of her seat to bounce around with Soundcloud.
This lovely quilted collage geisha is always telling me to "get orf the bleedin' 'puter!"
But she does give me super tips such as "How-to-make-toe-socks-look-sexy and "Oh-the-things-you-can-hide-in-an-obi".
Black and white portraits of children and a sculpture by #2 Son made three years ago.
The drawing was done in Melbourne in October, 2011, but some water seeped into the back of the frame ... grrrrr!
Number 1 Son as a cuddly four-year-old and his red-headed mama (25), who wore lots and lots of black back in the 90s.
Note to self: Buy more frames.

Books, books, books ... but I'm so easily distracted.
Distracted by cheeky-looking children ...  or distracted by the urge to make stuff, like this pink headband I made for a photo shoot by Sydney photographer and blogger, Dusk.

More children and shelves crammed with stuff I love ... this time in the kitchen.
Now if you're lucky, Lily will give you a foot massage.
I hope you all had a wonderful relaxing weekend :).
Desiree xo