Welcome Back to Stuck Serving!

By Blairbarnes

We have been running the site since 2009 and decided it was time for a facelift. For the majority of the time we have been running the site as mostly anonymous because both of us worked for large corporate chain restaurants who will not hesitate to terminate on the spot if they felt our online presence violated their privacy in any way. Due to a relocation and a couple job changes over the last few years we have decided it is time to pull back the curtain and let you guys into our lives a little more.

Once upon a time in a magical place called Fullerton there were two servers who spent their days attending CSUF and their nights slaving away to pay for college at two competing restaurants across the street from one and other. This continued for 3 years until one special night after an especially difficult shift at work they were each out with their work friends and spotted each other across a crowded bar. After this chance meeting and the discovery that they worked across the street from each other and both were in the restaurant industry among other coincidences they decided to begin dating.

Their romance consisted of many late night dinners, missed holidays, and little to no vacations due to their server schedules but regardless flourished. After some time, they decided to relocate to a food paradise called San Francisco. Together they explored this industry mecca, ate new and exciting food together, tried delicious cocktails and began working in the wonderful land of privately owned restaurants.

In this magestic place there were no guests who wanted “chocolate bread” or more ranch. These customers were different, appreciative, and respectful of restaurant policies. Yes, every so often the familiar faces of non-tippers and difficult tables would appear, but instead of hourly it was weekly or sometimes even monthly. The two servers who had started out in Fullerton now had a reason to love the food industry again, they did not dread going to work, they gasp…enjoyed it! Yes, difficult days still happen but far less often. Those two servers are also engaged to be married now, one of the few industry relationships to make it.

We are those two servers, Blair and Kristen.

We started this site as a way to connect servers from all over the world. We hope you guys enjoy reading the stories that are sent in because we definitely do and will keep on posting them as long as you keep them coming!

Thank you to everybody who has submitted, laughed at, or just read any of our stories. This site would not exist without you guys!

Make sure to check back tomorrow because we have some new stories banked up from while we have been re-doing the site (which has taken a little longer than we wanted because neither of us are very techy)!