Weird-looking Hands-free Umbrella Hoping to Kickstart with Crowdfunding

Posted on the 03 July 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Nubrella, the weird looking hands-free umbrella has been in the talks for a while now. I actually thought it’s never going to happen. But the developers have now turned to crowdfunding to kickstart this project, again.

According to Mashable, Nubrella  has “already sold thousands of units around the world”. Now it’s back. The design of the Nubrella has been revamped, allowing users to wear it like a backpack. Creator Alan Kaufman is hoping to collect $95,000 with the Kickstarter project to launch the new Nubrella globally. For a $50 pledge, you can back up this project and get one of these umbrellas.

Sure, this may come in handy in some occasions. But, personally, I would rather get wet than looking like an idiot wearing this.

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Roshan Jerad Perera