Holiday weight gain is real. It's not just Americans who gain weight during the holiday season, but people from all over the world. In fact, the average weight gain during this four-week holiday period is two pounds. Although it is actually smaller than what most people think, you shouldn't whip out your noisemakers just yet. Why? It's because most people tend to have a hard time losing those pounds after the holidays. If you are one of them, you may be in need of some weight loss tips.
Losing weight is no walk in the park. According to studies, it usually takes most people about 5 months to lose what they have gained over the holidays. The weight gain may not be significant, but it doesn't come off quickly. Two pounds may not seem like much, but since the majority of the American adult population is already overweight or obese, this increases their risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
If you are guilty of indulging in rich, fatty foods and sugary treats during the holidays, you may be toting a few extra pounds that need shedding. By following these weight loss tips, you can welcome the year with a slimmer, healthier version of you.
Set realistic goals
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There is no magic potion that allows you to lose weight in an instant. Try to make the necessary changes in your diet and lifestyle, but don't overhaul your diet overnight. If you do, you'll end up going back to your old habits after a week or two.
If you are serious about losing weight, then try to make weekly resolutions. But make sure that you set realistic goals. Otherwise, you'll just end up feeling disappointed. Losing about 1 to 2 pounds a week is doable. But in order to achieve your goal, you need to eliminate about 500 calories daily through diet and exercise. If you think you can do that, then good for you. If not, don't push yourself too hard. Losing weight takes patience and dedication. With proper planning and discipline, you'll definitely achieve your goals.
Eat healthy
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There are lots of diet trends that claim to help you shed some pounds fast. Although some of them work, they are only suitable for short-term weight management. After that, you'll be reverting back to your old habits, and you'll gain those pounds you've worked so hard to get rid of. Instead of relying on some diet trends, try sticking to a healthy, nutritious diet. Fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
Nuts, tuna, beans, legumes, boiled potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, salmon, and eggs are just some of the foods that are weight-loss friendly. Try to incorporate these foods into your daily diet, and they'll help you turn your weight loss dream into reality. Small changes in your diet can make a big difference.
Get moving
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The combination of diet and exercise is the perfect recipe for weight loss. For those who are serious about burning some calories, this is one of the best weight loss tips we can give you.
Exercise provides several benefits. Not only will it help you burn fat and stay fit, it can also help prevent the development of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. In order to enjoy all these benefits, you need to commit to regular exercise.
Exercising doesn't necessarily mean spending time in the gym. Walking, running, dancing, swimming, and cycling are great forms of exercise. Choose one that you enjoy doing the most. There is no point in getting a gym membership if you find running on a treadmill boring. In order to get the maximum benefits, you need to make sure that you enjoy what you're doing. Otherwise, you may find yourself dragging yourself to the gym and wasting your money in the end. Having an exercise buddy is also a great idea. Not only does it make exercising more fun, you'll also feel more motivated to stick to your routine.
Drink water
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Most people have a hard time distinguishing thirst from hunger. More often than not, people mistake thirst for hunger. This usually happens if you don't drink enough water.
Dehydration causes your body to receive mixed signals on hunger. It causes you to believe that you're hungry, when in fact, you're just thirsty. Over time, this can lead to weight gain. To prevent this from happening, make sure that you're drinking enough fluids throughout the day.
If you think you're hungry, resist the urge to grab some snacks. Get a glass of water instead, and then wait for about 5 minutes. If you still feel your stomach rumbling after 5 minutes, then you're probably hungry. At this point, your body is telling you that it needs food. Try eating something healthy that will give you some sense of fullness.
Get rid of temptations
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Most people would grab a bag of chips and a can of soda when they feel hungry. Often, this is also the snack of choice when binge-watching their favorite TV series during the weekends. This is one of the biggest reasons why most folks gain weight.
If your pantry is filled with junk foods and carbonated drinks, now would be the best time to get rid of them. So the next time you feel the urge to munch on something, you won't be tempted to grab a bag of chips. Rather, munch on something healthier like cucumber sticks, asparagus fries or kale chips. Not only are they healthy, they won't make you fat either.
Don't eat after dinner
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Late-night snacking can be a source of hundreds of excess calories, which can cause you to gain additional pounds. This is especially true if you are someone who eats mindlessly out of a pretzel bag or enjoys spooning ice cream from the container.
Often, people eat midnight snacks because they're hungry, bored or because it's been a habit. To curb your night time snacking, we recommend that you eat a satisfying dinner. This is actually one of the biggest mistakes committed by those who are trying to lose weight. Sure, you're not supposed to eat a lot at dinner time, but make sure that it's filling enough that it would last you until bedtime.
There are also times when we mistake hunger for tiredness. Lack of sleep may cause you to eat more. If you find yourself craving for some snacks even after you ate a fulfilling dinner, this may be your body's way of telling you that it needs some rest. You're not hungry, you're just tired.